CBL Dirty Diana

Apparently, I'm going holo-crazy lately, so here's Colors by Llarowe Dirty Diana.

indoor CF lighting
Dirty Diana was from a Michael Jackson tribute collection.  It's a rich magenta-wine color that took 2 coats for opacity.  The linear holo is very clear in most light, indoors or out, but of course is most POW in the sun.

Interestingly, the holo flame tends to show more amounts of the red and blue streaks of the rainbow, rather than have the whole ROYGBIV in even amounts.  This makes the color look like it's subtly shifting from red to purple, though it's definitely not a duochrome.  The faux-color-change effect is most obvious in lower/indoor lighting.

indoor CF lighting
As with the last CBL I tried out, I really kinda hate the brush for being too soft and floppy.  It's near impossible to paint neatly, there's going to be cleanup involved.  I also had minor chips within 12h of painting.  This formula doesn't love me much, but the rainbow of color has me watching my fingers a lot.

disco inferno in my car!
I'll admit to being bad with the whole cool vs warm tone distinction, but this looks like either, depending on the light.  I find all these pics to be really color accurate, so here's the many faces of Diana.

soft indoor lighting - rainbow is subtle but still there
flare in the sun!
Rating:  3 out of 5 stars. It's a really pretty color, but it wears less than average and the brush is a mess.

Where to buy:  Llarowe announces restocks of all the brands she carries (including her own) via facebook and email.



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