4th of July 2022: Pride!

Several of the various fb groups had discussions leading up to July 4th about how many people felt excluded from democracy and ground down by the political situation in the country - a well-cited poll says that 85% of Americans feel the country is headed in the wrong direction.  With that in mind, a lot of folks were choosing to simply not do any holiday-themed nails this time around.  I decided to celebrate something else about America rather than skipping altogether.

Since I missed out on a Pride mani for June, no time like the present!  In lieu of the traditional fireworks, I've started here with a base of a shimmery white polish, and used a rainbow of bright fun linear holos and a shooting star image from a freebie gift with purchase plate of a brand I've never seen or heard from since. 

Hope your holiday was a good one, and keep hope burning!



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