Ludurana Estrela

Like I said earlier, I'm all professional this week, but have no plans to let that be plain.  Now that winter's grip is loosening, I've been eyeing my holos more again, and pulled out Estrela from Brazilian maker Ludurana.

indoor CF lighting
Estrela is from the Supernova collection - super sparkly linear holos, with a subtle duochrome effect.  This one is a pearly pinkish nude color with plenty of rainbow twinkle and a soft, silvery blue flash in the center.

indoor CF lighting
At extreme angles where the holo isn't as noticeable, the blue pearl shifts to a rosy, almost copper color.

Polishes in this line are scented, but the vaguely baby powder aroma was very subtle and gone after the first day.  2 coats was nicely opaque, and this wore ok, with a few chips showing up by the 3rd day.

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars.  Pretty and feminine, and certainly flashier than a plain nude.

Where to buy:  Color4Nails sells Ludurana.



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