Green Holo Ombre for St Patrick's Day

Here's a little holiday flash for your St. Pat's, with the bonus benefit of also being a green holo comparison!

outdoor, direct sunlight
For the annual greenest of holidays, I pulled 5 linear green holos out of my stash for a quick ombre.  Thumb-to-pinky, I have Different Dimension Good Evening ClariceEnchanted Polish March 2014, Dance Legend Android, Colors by Llarowe Gizmo, and Pahlish Bialowieza Forest.

direct sunlight
Good Evening Clarice is color-accurate in the top photo, but appears whited out in these other two.  Though it's the least holographic, that's more than made up for by its spectacular glow-in-the-dark magic (lolz my spooky thumbs at night!).  When used alone, Android appears to be a much more kelly green, but in comparison with the rest (and mostly in comparison with the very yellow-green March 2014 right next to it), it leans toward teal.  Gizmo is easily the most linear out of all of these.  Bialowieza Forest was everything I wanted Lizard Belly to be, since as dark as it is, it's almost always definitively GREEN.

indoor, office fluorescent lighting
Hope your St. Pat's was plenty of fun!



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