Picture Polish Kryptonite

When Suzy sent me a pic of her wearing this, I pretty quickly obtained my own bottle:  Picture Polish Kryptonite.

indoor CF lighting
 Kryptonite is a rich forest green of the sort that's a touch more blue than yellow (in the 90s, we called this "hunter green").  The shade is dark enough to feel like a vampy autumn color, but never appeared near-black.  It's a jelly finish sparkling with the silvery holo fragments that PP does so well.

check out the squishy depth in the sun
As is often the case with this type of holo particle, it looks to be silvery at least as often as it's rainbow - it's a subtle holo rather than a rainbow flame.

 The formula was great, neither too thick or thin, and without the cuticle pooling that would make cleanup for a green this dark be total hell (do paint careful with this, though, since getting it off any cuticles is as challenging as expected).

indirect sunlight
The jelly formula gives a killer shine and really lets the holo glimmer out, but I had my usual jelly problems: this had a few chips and some edgewear within 24h, though the chips stayed fixed after I touched them up.

Rating:  I waffled between 3 and 4 stars: love the color, wish it wore better, but yeah, that color.  4 it is!

Where to buy:  PP maintains a list of international stockists.



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