a England Avalon

Alright, we definitely have a theme going on here while my shorties grow out!  It's all back from the vault polishes that I've worn before but hadn't photographed/blogged!  I'll pull out some faves to see if they're still champs years later, and I'll give a second chance to ones I bounced off of the first time.  Also on the new year/new tries theme, my lovely partner bought me a new camera!  It's very likely going to take a while to get used to the settings and options, but the macro capability on this one is rated as far superior.  If that weren't enough, my phone finally crapped out, and my upgrade has a **much** better camera.  Long & short:  all pics from here out get a big upgrade!

a England Avalon
indoor, bright CF lighting
First up, the gloriously luscious royal purple that is a England Avalon.  I bought and first tried out this beauty not long after it came out, and was instantly smitten with the amazing formula of Adina's polishes.  One thick coat would have been enough, but I'm wearing 2 thin ones here - note that the 2nd coat didn't deepen the color or intensity of the pearlescent shine, one really would be adequate.

a England Avalon
indoor, CF lighting
I've stamped with another a England fave acquired around the same time, the devastating dark turquoise Saint George.  In low light this look was very subtle, but in bright light the holo sparks caught fire and brought out the design.  I'm using a long-neglected set of plates from Winstonia, this one is 312.

a England Avalon
bright midday sunlight
I'm finally starting to be ok with my short nails, and this goodness is helping me get there.  Saint George stamps beautifully, completely opaque and still with fully saturated color.  Avalon is absolutely the most perfect royal purple possible.

a England Avalon
indoor, bright CF lighting
Rating:  I actually dialed this up from my original 4/5 score to a perfect 5 out of 5 stars.  Avalon is one of the best purple polishes in a collection with plenty of purples to choose from.  I wore this beautiful combo all week - the pics that show edgewear were taken days after I painted.  a England's polishes wear like iron on me, and I've never gotten a wonky brush or a problematic formula.  I don't know why I haven't collected every one of them.

Where to buy:  check out a England's list of international stockists here.



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