Orly Nail Rescue - review & tutorial

After my peel-off fiasco left me with 2 split nails, I immediately reached for Orly's Nail Rescue kit, which I've used on many occasions to solve these issues.

Orly Nail Rescue

Nail Rescue comes in a box that contains this small bottle of cyanoacrylate glue with an extremely convenient polish brush in the cap and a little jar of acrylic powder - yes, kids, you're going to make yourself a little patch of fake acrylic nail.  Spoiler alert:  this system is utterly genius, and WAY longer lasting than any tea bag patch.

Orly Nail Rescue

As a refresher, this was my problem.  Shown here is the split on my thumb, but in the rest of the pics, I'll be fixing my middle finger on my cinderella hand, which had a split just as bad, but much trickier to photograph without whackadoo contortions.  Fortunately, both of these splits hadn't caught on anything yet, and therefore weren't bent out of place.  In other words, this fix kit works best as soon as you notice a break problem, not after it's gotten torn and twisted away from the rest of your nail (but it will still work in that case as long as you're patiently willing to hold it in place as it dries).

The instructions say to brush glue over the site needing repair, then dip the nail into the powder.  I find that this results in a very chunky, wavy, uneven fix, so I do it a little different.

Step 1:  brush glue over the break
Orly Nail Rescue

Step 2:  Use the flimsy little plastic inner lid to scoop up some acrylic powder.  You see it in the pic above sitting there ready to go - work quickly!)
Orly Nail Rescue

Step 3:  pour the acrylic powder over your nail, allowing the excess to fall back into the jar, and not touching your nail with the inner lid or anything else.  This results in a very smooth and even patch.
Orly Nail Rescue

Step 4:  use a dotting tool, toothpick, or orange stick to make sure that no glue and acrylic have stuck to your cuticles, or gently unstick them if needed.  This is way easier and isn't painful if you do it before the acrylic has set completely.
Orly Nail Rescue
yeah, back to my thumb for this pic.  note that the patch dries matte clear - it's not obvious under any polish color.

Step 5:  wait 5 minutes or so until the first layer is dry, then repeat the whole thing.

Step 6:  wait at least 30 minutes for the acrylic to set hard, then buff it down smooth so it won't be obvious under polish.  The kit comes with a small square buffing pad, which I find isn't tough enough  to get the job done.  Use a buffing block or crystal file  to take down the bulk of the patch, then use the finer grit buffing square that comes with the kit to finish.

Rating:  a fabulous perfect 5 of 5.  I've used this stuff many times, and will definitely be repurchasing when it runs out.  Though the items look tiny, they're going to last a long while, since you use a miniscule amount at any one time.  If you remove the polish with non-acetone, the patch lasts better, but even when I forget and use regular remover, I've had these patches easily last 2-3 weeks, through 5 or more polish changes.

Where to buy:  Sally's, amazon, ulta - anywhere Orly is sold.



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