Femme Fatale Marble Keys

 Well after something delicate and floral, time to swing right on over to midnight vampy!

indoor, bright CF lighting

Occasionally some makers, including Femme Fatale, will release "oops batches" where a polish didn't turn out as expected, but the artist kept adding to & tweaking the container until something interesting resulted.  Such things don't have a set formula and are by nature impossible to recreate.  Marble Keys was one such "oops" from November 2015.

outdoor, overcast daylight

Marble Keys starts out with a smoky charcoal base, a fairly neutral off-black (neither cool nor warm on its own).  The base is sheer and required 3 coats to build up to opacity, but was much more forgiving on clean-up than an opaque black base would have been.

indoor, bright CF lighting

Layered over this is a coarse, not quite chunky shimmer in a deep malachite green.  It's a little more teal-leaning than emerald, but not at all aquamarine, and is much more GREEN in very bright sunlight, which we had vanishingly little of this week. On top of that is a tiny microglitter in metallic true silver, which caused my camera to freak out a little.

outdoor, overcast daylight

While the shimmer and sparkle are utterly gorgeous in macro photos, at arm's length this appears to be more of a cool, murky off-black, with less prominent shimmer elements.  To my eyes, this is a more sophisticated, neutral version of Wet N Wild Morbid.

indoor, bright CF lighting.  UNFFF if it looked like this without a macro lens, SWOON.

Rating:  3 out of 5 stars, pretty fab for when you're feeling goth but you're a grown-up adult with some taste.  It wears a little quicker than ideal, and the shimmer is not as prominent as the macros promise, but it's still a keeper for sure. 



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