Baroness X Avatar + Dance Legend Soothsayer

I finally broke out of my blue streak this week by gazing longingly at a whole double handful of red polishes with contrasting lime green shimmer that are being released by multiple brands, each one different from the next.  In my efforts to stop the madness and be content with the 80 bajillion polishes already in residence here, I grabbed a red I hadn't properly photographed the first time I wore it, and a topper for that contrasty sparkle.

Baroness X Avatar + Dance Legend Soothsayer
indoor, bright CF lighting
My base color here is Dance Legend's Anna Gorelova collaboration The Soothsayer.  It's a gorgeous red that's bright cherry when warm and deepest darkest dried blood when cold.  It's from a 2014 collection, and still transitions just as quickly as when I first tried it almost exactly 3 years ago, further proof that some thermals are far sturdier than the promised 6 months.

Baroness X Avatar + Dance Legend Soothsayer
window-filtered daylight
Baroness X is one of the reigning queens of gorgeous things made with Clarins 230/UP shifty shimmer.  This particular beauty is Avatar, which is the awesomesauce with a bit of iridescent glitter with the same color shift added to the mix.  IRL, the glitter is not at all evident; the overall effect is that this is a 230 topper with a chunky, larger particle size that is sparkly as aaaall get-out.

Baroness X Avatar + Dance Legend Soothsayer
indoor, CF lighting
I'm wearing a single smooth coat here, and that was enough to bling this red right out.  Only a little light was needed to bring out reflections off the shimmer and glitter particles - this was a seriously glowy, twinkling look.

Baroness X Avatar + Dance Legend Soothsayer
bright sunlight
In bright sunlight, the effect is absolutely blazing embers glowing out of the red base, and best shown on the darker cold color of Soothsayer.  And sweet baby octopus, that bronze and green flash!

Baroness X Avatar + Dance Legend Soothsayer
same bright sunlight.  awwww yassss.
But bright sunlight and a dark undie color weren't at all needed to have this looking its best, and that is, IMHO, the magic of the translucent glitter at work.  The below pic is in a dim part of my house, nowhere near bright lighting, with the base color almost totally warm.

Baroness X Avatar + Dance Legend Soothsayer
yup, you can still see those gold and green flashes
Unfortunately, this mani got partially destroyed during a much-needed aquarium cleaning, so I'm taking it off after only 3 days, but this is all aces to me.

Baroness X Avatar + Dance Legend Soothsayer
indoor, bright CF lighting
Rating:  Avatar is a wonderful topper, and gets a sparkling 5 out of 5 stars. 

Where to buy:  direct from Baroness X.



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