Femme Fatale Gentlemen's Scuffle + Ray of Golden Sunshine
One good Femme Fatale deserves another, only with the color scheme flipped over to the cooler side, so... indoor, bright CF lighting Femme Fatale's older holos of the type she released in these square bottles are all just fantastic. Like the rest of these, Gentlemen's Scuffle is a richly pigmented, creamy teal holo with an almost metallic look. It's fully opaque in one coat (my second thin one didn't deepen the color at all), and stamps beautifully (if your plate cooperates). indoor, bright CF lighting Ray of Golden Sunshine is also holographic, but where Gentlemen's Scuffle does one thing exceptionally well, there's a bunch of other flourishes in this soft, cool gold. Ray has a lovely seafoam-aqua shimmer overlay as well as some suuuuuper tiny gold holo microglitters added to the mix. Because of the other sparkling elements, this one is a bit more sheer and defintely needs that second coat to come to opacity. window-filtered daylight I lov...