Dance Legend Robots vs Humans

After all the flaming red loveliness that I was last wearing, I decided that a neutral palate cleanser was in order.  I wore Dance Legend's Robots vs Humans once when it first came out, but never blogged it, so this seemed like a good time to revisit this one.

Dance Legend Robots vs Humans
indoor, bright CF lighting
Dance Legend made a huge splash in nail polish world with their 2013 New Prism collection - these were some of the first more widely available holos, and they were really the first to go on creamy smooth without the need to paint on bare nail or a special aqua basecoat. Robots vs Humans is a warm copper-brown that goes on nearly opaquely in just one coat, and is completely solid in one and a half to two.  It's pigmented enough to use for stamping, and I swooned over that amazing holo flare in the bottle there.

Dance Legend Robots vs Humans
indoor, bright CF lighting
Sadly, though, wearing it again reminded me of all the issues I had with this color the first time around - though my painting technique and base/topcoats have improved leaps and bounds in the intervening years, the only time this rainbow flash of amazing really happens is right here in this bottle and in super bright sunlight.  Yeah, I love that copper shine and glint of holo above too, but here's what I really got most of the time.

Dance Legend Robots vs Humans
window-filtered overcast daylight
Yep, it's a warm brown, with the slightly fuzzed grey cast that holo particles do in opaque based polishes when they're not gleaming in the light.  And it's chippy as anything to boot.  Esmaltes da Kelly Tris and Joanna provided more earthy neutrals for this look using URB-11.  I wasn't super enthused about how this came out, but hey, you get my fails right along with my hell yeses.

Rating:  3 out of 5 stars - the one coat and done neutral is super appealing when needed, thamping versatility is a bonus, and here's a thumbs up to Dance Legend's generous 15ml bottle and good quality brush.  The quick wear, chipping, and meh holo I could skip.

Where to buy:  check out the list of DL's international stockists to pick up any of these older colors.



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