My Indie Polish Shifters Full

A sad-but-truism of polish-land is that though thermals are absolutely the easiest nail art to accomplish (being as how they require zero effort on the wearer's part), the clock is ticking and they'll die at a time you have no control over, somewhere between the cold and warm state.  When the weather is just right for thermals, then (spring and fall, cool rather than cold, works best for me), you gotta bust them out.

My Indie Polish Shifters Full
indoor, bright CF lighting
My Indie Polish released the fantastically named and hilariously inspired Shifter's Full as a custom for the Holy Shift thermal lovers fb group back in December of 2017, and I'm happy to report that it still transitions beautifully over a year later.

My Indie Polish Shifters Full
outdoor, shady daylight
In the cold state, Shifter is a vibrant aquamarine with a healthy dose of aurora type shifty shimmer that is bright pink when viewed directly, but tilts to gold and a subtle flash of green at angles.

My Indie Polish Shifters Full
indoor, bright CF lighting
As it warms up, this tonal thermal pales out to a barely-there translucent opal with the merest hint of blue.  The shimmer doesn't get shy at all, though, and sparkles beautifully in either state.

My Indie Polish Shifters Full
outdoor, bright direct sunlight
Because the warm state is so sheer, I'm wearing 3 coats plus topcoat here, which still left me with slight VNL even in the more opaque cold state.  After a few days, I didn't feel like taking this off yet, but I did want something as magically fun to match.

My Indie Polish Shifters Full + unicorn stamping
indoor CF lighting
I stamped here using the stars on a string pattern from Kads Min 009 in a metallic chrome silver, then created a decal with one of the many beautifully detailed unicorns from Harunouta L045.  I loved the "coming right out of the ocean" look this had when the polish was in a transition state!

Harunouta L045 Unicorn stamping
indoor CF lighting
Rating:  4 out of 5 stars for Shifter's Full - it's a pretty transition with a color scheme right up my alley, with fair-to-decent wear time and a formula that was easy to work with.

Where to buy:  since this was a group exclusive I don't think My Indie Polish will be bringing back, stalk destashes & blog sales to snag a bottle.



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