Oscars 2020!


This year, the Academy gave us movie fiends only a short few weeks to catch the nominees before the big show, and of course I can't plan out a nail design without watching it, so I've done pretty much nothing but films recently.  As always, there were some snubs, some gems, some WTF moments, and I did my annual capture of Best Picture nominees in nail art.

Oscars 2020 nail art

This is the pile of plates and a few representative stamping polishes that went into this look - I'm not listing where everything came from, because this post would be a novel!

Oscars 2020 nail art

With only 9 nominees this year, one thumb was simply film itself.  I end up using this design a whole lot around this time of year!  And the nominees are:

Oscars 2020 nail art

Starting with my two absolute faves, on this hand index to pinky (L to R) we have:

  • Parasite:  face with a black bar over the eyes à la the movie's poster
  • JoJo Rabbit:  our tender little bunny over the military black & red of wartime Germany
  • Marriage Story:  divided between golden palm tree'd California and New York as the Statue of Liberty
  • Once Upon a Time in Hollywood:  antique golden California and Cliff's powder blue roadster
Oscars 2020 nail art
  • Ford v Ferrari:  sportscar & checkered flag on Shelby blue 
Oscars 2020 nail art

And index to pinky (R to L) here we have:
  • 1917:  the white church building in flames at night from the middle of the movie
  • Little Women:  Jo March's inkwell & handwritten pages
  • The Irishman:  bloodsplatter on a 70s golden tan wall, and the resulting handcuffs
  • Joker:  bloody footprints down the white hallway (since the best part of that disaster was when it was over)
Hope you caught a few things worth watching!


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