Doctor Lacquer Whirlpool

The weather has been a little shifty lately (cool outside and the heaters kicking on inside), AND my nails are of a length to make it work, so it's thermal time!

indoor, bright CF lighting
I think Whirlpool came home to me as part of last year's black friday shenanigans...but yeah, my pile of untrieds is so huge I can't keep em straight.  In any case, Doctor Lacquer had a whole collection of thermals that are the almost-clear to smoky-off-black sort, each with a different duochromatic shimmer added in, and this was my pick from that set to try out the brand.

indoor, bright CF lighting
Whirlpool has a similar shift to CrowsToes Season of the Witch, a pretty emerald green head-on that tilts to a lovely plummy purple at angles.

indoor, CF lighting
The color shift is most obvious on the cool state of a dark background (rather like layering any duochrome over a black undie to make it pop), but the clear-ish warm state gives an ethereal glowy pearl look that's quite lovely.

indoor, CF lighting
window-filtered overcast daylight
Like most thermals, this one dries to a satin, nearly matte finish.  Unlike some, the formula is flowing and smooth, doesn't dry too quickly to work with, and is very self-leveling.  It changes very freely, and I quite often had the funky-french effect that us thermal lovers are all into.

window-filtered overcast daylight for both

The only flaw worth mentioning is that the generous 16.5mL tall bottle comes with a very long wand that has a tendency to let polish drip down as you're painting.

indoor, LED lighting
Rating:  a very nice 4 out of 5 stars, with fairly decent wear time and a pretty shift.

Where to buy:  Doctor Lacquer is currently on hiatus, but says they'll be back by March 2017.  Cross your fingers til then, or hit up some blog sales/destashes.



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