Bees Knees S. S. Georgie

I'm super in love with magnetic nail polish.  As long as you have the time to really hold that magnet while the top layer of polish and the topcoat set, dramatic nail art is a straightforward thing to achieve.  This particular day I painted, I had both the time and inclination to hold a magnet steady for a while, so I pulled out one of my more recent interesting acquisitions.

Bees Knees S. S. Georgie
indoor, CF lighting
Bees Knees S. S. Georgie is one of a growing trend of shimmery polishes that look perfectly nice enough when worn unmagnetized, but reveal hidden elements once the shimmer particles are bunched up.  In this case, the magnetic shimmer is a pink to green multichrome that when drawn together reveals a deep slate blue base with a "UP sibling" pigment that shifts from gold to green.

Bees Knees S. S. Georgie
window-filtered bright sunlight
I'm wearing 2 coats here, which was all I needed to get both even coverage of the deep base color as well as plenty of sparkle.  As usual with magnetics, I've applied the magnet to both the last layer of polish and then again to the topcoat for ~45 seconds each, and this design was made with a straight neodymium bar magnet.

Bees Knees S. S. Georgie
indoor, incandescent lighting.  I LOVE when these double lines show up!

Bees Knees S. S. Georgie
window-filtered bright sunlight
Both the magnetic shimmer and the sibling pigment gloriously caught fire in bright lighting conditions, but each still looked plenty cool in shady or office lighting.

Bees Knees S. S. Georgie
overcast/shady daylight
Interestingly enough, each of these shimmers shifted in different directions.  Sometimes, both would phase into green simultaneously:

Bees Knees S. S. Georgie
window-filtered overcast daylight
And sometimes I'd get a glimpse of the magnetic shimmer shifting up to a peachy gold while the sibling pigment sparkled into blazing emerald:

Bees Knees S. S. Georgie
outdoor, bright afternoon sunlight
Two different directions of multichromatic shifting?  Yes please!

Bees Knees S. S. Georgie
indoor, bright CF lighting
Rating:  5 out of 5 stars.  First off, this color is absolutely unique in my stash.  Though I now have several polishes using this beautiful pink to green magnetic shimmer, that plus this base color plus the other boatload of shimmer is a huge win all around.  Second, both the formula and wear time were fantastic.  On first glimpse, the slate blue base appears to be a jelly, and it certainly does act translucent enough for the sibling pigment to sparkle forth.  Yet it wears great, and is much more opaque than I'd expect a jelly to be, so I'll just call it magic.

Where to buy:  though this isn't currently available in the Bee's Knees store, try one of her stockists like Color 4 Nails or Girly Bits.



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