Bee's Knees Mora

 A couple of years ago, in order to reach into my stash more, I went for a few months alternating a bright/nontraditional polish color with a neutral one.  I think this year (at least for a while) I'm going to try something similar, alternating between a dark polish and a light one.

indoor, CF lighting

After my black NYE mani, first up in the lighter side is this glowy and soft confection from Bee's Knees Lacquer.

outdoor, late afternoon daylight

Mora was originally a prototype for Indie Expo Canada, then became a gift with purchase during a sale event.  When a free polish arrives at your house that's both green and aurora-shifty, you are winning at life!

outdoor, shady daylight

Mora is a very sheer jade green jelly that is packed with a very fine-milled aurora shimmer that appears as a glowy shine in low light, a bright sparkly ruddy gold in brighter light, and shifts to minty green at angles.

outdoor, angled afternoon daylight

Mora is quite sheer - I'm showing 3 coats here, and I feel you probably can't get fully to bottle color even with 4 or 5, though the shimmer builds up to providing a veil over the free edge.  The final look has that slight VNL in the way that I find to be a sexy ethereal faery sort of thing, as opposed to looking like you're not finished. 

indoor, bright CF lighting

Each coat was perfectly smooth and self-leveling, and the whole thing dried down without denting or uneven areas (which can be problems when you're painting several layers).  

outdoor, shady daylight

The sheer green with a bunch of aurora pigment is rather reminiscent of Ethereal Rainforest, but this one has a more minty green (less yellow-leaning) and more saturated base color.  

outdoor, shady daylight

Maybe a color more traditional for springtime than winter, but I love it!

indoor, CF lighting

Rating:  4 out of 5 stars, this polish is a looker, and it wore much better than expected for jellies.  In a perfect world this would be 25% more opaque (2 coats is ideal!), but it can be used as a topper, so if you appreciate versatility there you go.  

Where to buy:  currently out of stock at Bee's Knees, but you can always request it as a respawn or haunt blog sales to grab you one.



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