Enchanted Polish February 2017

Continuing both my light & dark alternating manis and my deep dive into Enchanted untrieds in my stash, I pulled out one that I neglected for years.  It's funny how much your "mood" can play into whether a polish works for you or not. When I originally bought Enchanted's February 2017 mystery, I was pretty ho-hum about it, just another pastel holo.  I was wrong.

indoor, bright CF lighting

The 2017 mysteries were all "remixes" of early, hard-to-find colors, with this one being an updated version of Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds.  The rarity and gotta-have-it-ness of the original (other nail blogs showed direct comparisons between this and the original as being extremely close) was frankly the only reason I kept this one, since I didn't think at the time it was something I'd necessarily love.  

indoor, bright CF lighting

Again, seriously y'all, I was wrong.  Feb 2017 is a desaturated, nearly white linear holo.  It's a little sheer on the first coat, but comes to visible opacity by the 2nd.  In low light, it's a gorgeous opal duochrome, flipping from frosty minty green over to a soft warm peachy pink.

outdoor, shady/overcast daylight

In bright direct sunlight, it's a staggeringly gorgeous pearlescent diamond, which brightens up to nearly a true white with a core of gleaming shimmer and a very finely milled holo flame.  I'm bummed to note that the one sunny day we had was a day I failed to have my nail-shooting camera, and after which it was all cloudy or rainy, but trust me, the sunlight was just **swooon**.

indoor, CF lighting

I wanted to give a shout-out to the original, so I spangled Lucy 2.0 with some stars from HeHe 003 in Sally Hansen Denim.

indoor, bright CF lighting - NB streaky bits in the bottle are just bubbles from shaking

Rating:  4 out of 5 stars, with a lovely formula that applied easily and then wore decently well.  It's not as POW flashy as my usual taste, but sometimes a touch of restraint is a good thing.

Where to buy:  it's a few years old, but the monthly mysteries crop up quite regularly in destashes.



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