Lemming Lacquer Hunger

Leaping back to a saturated color, when the man suggested green I picked out this aurora-bomb of color.

indoor, bright CF lighting for all photos

Utterly delicious.  Lemming Lacquer released Hunger as part of a series dedicated to Florence + The Machine, and this one is inspired by the album cover for Lungs, and I think it's a fantastic match. Hunger is a very teal-leaning saturated green with a fine scattered holo shimmer and loaded in warm ruby to copper aurora shimmer

This went on in two smooth coats, and I had no troubles with the brush or formula.  I have to say I'm a fan of these big chunky square bottles - yeah, they take up more room on the shelf, but they feel so sturdy and they're pretty impossible to knock over on your table.

In angled lighting, the shimmer shifts over to a deep emerald and completely masks the teal leanings of the base color.  It's a lovely effect that blazes just gloriously in sunlight... but between the dreary weather we're having lately and the time change making darkness show up so quickly, I'm just not making it out into said sunlight for photos. 

Rating:  a gorgeous 4 out of 5 stars, with the only flaw being that this wore a little more quickly than I'd like, with a few minor chips by 3 days in.  This color is so right up my alley that I have a half dozen similar ones, but wow is this beautiful on me. 

Where to buy:  direct from Lemming Lacquer.



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