ILNP Brilliance

I was on a lovely tropical getaway all last week, and somehow totally forgot to get any good pics of my beach nails (whoops!), but came home to several shipments worth of goodness.  Most eagerly anticipated were of course ILNP's new multichrome flakie topcoats.  I picked 5 of them, and the first one for a test drive is Brilliance.

indoor CF lighting
This is 2 coats of Brilliance over 1.5 coats of Wet N Wild's Poison Ivy (which I've apparently never blogged by itself, but it's a vampy, blackened emerald green shimmer).  Check out that bottle shot:  flashes of blue around the edges and pink in the center, but mostly centered around gold and green - same as what it ends up looking like on the nail.

indoor, office fluorescents
In bright lighting, it's very much gold and green, but often with a hint of pink flash toward the center.  In lower lighting, that pink flash becomes a whole lot more obvious (like duochromes tend to do).

outdoor, indirect overcast light
Oooooh, yessss.  This is what some of my nail peeps call "dragon scales" for your fingers.

OMG that green!

indoor CF lighting
Even with one coat of topcoat, there's a very subtle texture here.  2 or 3 coats of TC would be necessary for a perfectly glassy finish, but I find the shine to be lovely just like it is here.

At extreme angles, Brilliance gets up to an aqua flash, bordering on that deep blue you can see around the bottle edges:

Because special top coats can look so different over undies of various shades, I tried it over a crème grey and a shimmer pink, as well as solo (still over dark green on my pinky).

indoor CF lighting
outdoor, late afternoon overcast light
I think I like it best over the dark green, but the multichromatic flash is maybe more prominent over the grey or on its own.

pink, gold, green, aqua...
For all these new flakie toppers, I'm 100% convinced that each is the shattered up version of one of the regular multichromes.  When I got out my bottle of Nostalgia, yep, that's why I love this color exactly as much as the first version.

Rating:  4 out of 5 stars.  Just gorgeous, every time I buy this color, haha.

Where to buy:  direct from the ILNP store.



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