Illamasqua Raindrops

After a week of bright, fun, tropical color followed by a return to the dreary impending winter, a neutral palate cleanser was in order.

indoor, bright CF lighting
I can't remember what swatch pics made me fall swoonily in love with Illamasqua's Raindrops, but this was on my lemming list for a while - it's tricky now to get this brand since they no longer sell in any US stores - and snapped it up when it was listed on a facebook destash recently.

window-filtered rainy daylight
Raindrops looks exactly like what it's called (apparently the inspiration pic that crafted it was indeed rain on a glass window).  It's a barely blue-leaning grey jelly sprinkled with silvery-white translucent flakes.  It's quite neutral on me (not a tan- or obviously blue-tinted grey), and I think it'd look nice on a broad range of skintones.

indoor, bright CF lighting
window-filtered daylight
This was perfectly self-leveling on first coat, but slightly less so on second - it's very possible that if I'd waited for that first coat to 100% utterly and completely dry that the second would be smoother, but who's got time to deal with jellies the way they need to be dealt with?  I've used only two coats here and love the squishy but sexily, subtly sheer look; I think that three coats would likely be fully opaque if you need that to happen.

outdoor, shady daylight
Raindrops was nicely shiny on its own, like jellies do, but these shots are topcoated like I do everything.  Wear time was better than my usual jelly experience, with some edgewear coming up within a few days that was invisible except to the macro photo.

window-filtered daylight
Rating:  4 out of 5 lovely stars, and possibly my favorite grey.

Where to buy:  Illamasqua will apparently import to the US, but I've never tried it myself.  Ebay often has a solid selection of their more popular colors.



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