Different Dimension The Northern Lights Are Out

Ladies & Gents, I'm on a polish roll here - everything I've pulled out of mount untried is lovely, for a good couple of weeks now.  Winning!

Different Dimension The Northern Lights Are Out
indoor, bright CF lighting
Different Dimension made The Northern Lights Are Out for the April 2017 Holo Hookup box.  It's thoroughly true to the name: a deep charcoal that's not quite black as night, with an ethereal flash of color overlay that shimmers from piney green to soft purple.

Different Dimension The Northern Lights Are Out
outdoor, overcast daylight
I have several duochromes with this same green-to-purple shift, and it may be one of the more versatile pigments.  This version is packed with a silver holo flake that looks dense enough to be TV static or the speckling of a wild bird egg in low light, yet lies totally flat on the nail, and turns into a little holo sparkle in brighter light.

Different Dimension The Northern Lights Are Out
window-filtered bright sunlight
The green flash was anywhere from pine to ghostly green, and the purple anywhere from a tinge on the charcoal to bright wine - overall, yep, the night sky lit up with flashes of color.

Different Dimension The Northern Lights Are Out
outdoor, afternoon sunlight
TNLAO was just barely shy of being a one-coater; I'm wearing 2 here to even out any hidden thin spots.  The formula was just a touch thicker than I like, but all of the pigment and tons of holo flake were well-suspended and not at all settling out in the bottle.  The thicker formula meant that I got a small chip here and there about the 3rd day of wear, but nothing major.

Different Dimension The Northern Lights Are Out
outdoor, shady daylight
Rating:  yes indeedy, another fantastic 4 out of 5 stars - I love this winning streak!

Where to buy:  sadly, as part of an exclusive-filled box, destashes & blog sales are your hunting grounds.



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