Emily de Molly Dark Enlightenment

While the sun is still shining and holos are calling my name, time to break out another Emily de Molly!

Emily de Molly Dark Enlightenment
indoor, bright CF lighting
Once upon a time when I first bought Emily de Molly Flatline, I was floored at how amazingly blinding the linear holo effect was in the bottle - same was true when I finally got around to wearing it recently.  Well, when she released a whole collection of these super holos a year later, this one jumped right in my basket.

window-filtered bright sunlight
The gorgeous dark lavender (I don't know how it's possible to be both a darkly saturated AND a pastel color simultaneously, but here we are) is intensely holographic, possibly even more so than Flatline.  In the below pic, I was shocked to notice this beauty kicking off rainbows even in my dimly lit office (I had the lights turned off here to save energy and cut the rising temps in this summertime 90-something swelter).

Emily de Molly Dark Enlightenment
very indirect window-filtered daylight.  still stunning.
Dark Enlightenment is easily a one-coater, though out of habit I'm wearing 2 here.  This was a gloriously workable formula - despite being the kind of blinding linear holo that in ye olden dayes of polishing (circa 2010ish?) would have required a special base coat, I had absolutely no balding or pulling when running the brush over the same area more than once, or on the 2nd coat.

Emily de Molly Dark Enlightenment
outdoor, direct sunlight
In some of these pics, there's a really bright central flash to the holo arc that suggests there's some other type of contrast shimmer in the mix.  I honestly don't think that's the case, I just think the amazingly shiny bling is as ultra as possible.

Emily de Molly Dark Enlightenment
window-filtered bright sunlight
Emily de Molly Dark Enlightenment
indoor, bright CF lighting
Rating:  5 out of 5 stars.  Perfect formula, perfect brush, rich color, and 100% does what it says. I couldn't come up with a desire to stamp over it.  I am, for the most part, "over" linear holos, being convinced that I pretty much have everything under the sun.  I am apparently wrong.

Where to buy:  I don't see this currently available direct from EdM, but try her stockists!



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