Tonic Proto - Blue Aurora

Tonic just had a oops batch sale - this time, small batches of color studies, prototypes, or just pretty mistakes rather than individual bottles - and to celebrate scoring all 3 of my must-haves, I grabbed another Tonic prototype.

Tonic Proto - Blue Aurora
indoor, CF lighting 
This particular prototype is unmarked with either a batch number or handwritten label, so I'm not at all sure if this is a one-of-a-kind or if there were several of this color made. 

Tonic Proto - Blue Aurora
window-filtered daylight
It's a deep slate blue, slightly green-leaning, but really more grey-leaning, filled to the brim with red-to-green aurora shimmer.  In a lot of lighting, the shimmer is heavy enough to give the polish an overall metallic look, like a beetle's carapace.

Tonic Proto - Blue Aurora
indoor, bright CF lighting
 This was fully opaque after two coats, which I find super unusual for how shimmery it is - typically, polishes with this much sparkle need to be more sheer to prevent the base opacity from drowning the shimmer. 

Tonic Proto - Blue Aurora
window-filtered daylight

Tonic Proto - Blue Aurora
window-filtered afternoon daylight
This is absolutely the type of aurora that mimics Clarins 230's red to green shift, and I easily had red, bronze, and green across the curve of my nails (above) as well as a nice emerald flash at angles (below).

Tonic Proto - Blue Aurora
window-filtered daylight
This color was right up my alley, something I would have ordered right away if this was a regularly produced color.  I really lucked out on this one!

Tonic Proto - Blue Aurora
indoor, CF lighting 
Rating:  4 out of 5 stars.  Very strangely, this started to look darker and more grey the more days I wore it.  The blue color evident in the bottle is what it started out as, then dried down overnight to just a smidge darker, but was distinctly more slate grey 4 days later.  Weird!  It also showed edgewear much more quickly than usual... but all prototypes from any brand are sold very much 'as is' without being a real representation of that brand's product. 



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