Cadillacquer A Dragon is Not a Slave + stamping

Continuing my back-and-forth of dramatic vampy winter colors alternating with neutrals, today I have Cadillacquer's A Dragon is Not a Slave, from their 2015 GOT collection.

indoor, bright CF lighting
The lovely bronze-copper flash on the edge of the bottle and down the middle of the nail is not at all a trick of the light - this is absolutely how Dragon rolls.  We have here a warm, taupe-y grey with a delicate linear holo and plenty of fiery shimmer.

The shimmer is subtly duochromatic, appearing more reddish coppery directly, and more golden bronze at angles.

outdoor, direct sunlight
The holo here, as with both of the other Cadillacquer polishes I've tried, is what some people call "scattered linear," not the sort with a blinding holo flame.  The very fine refractive particles create sort of a light dusting of rainbow.

outdoor, direct sunlight
The overall effect is of a smouldering fire within smoky ashes, and it's a fantastic color.

outdoor, late afternoon sunlight
In shady or low light, both the shimmer and the holo become quite subtle, leaving a warm, very wearable grey.

indoor, window-filtered daylight
I wanted to compliment the warmth of the shimmer with my stamping, so I pulled out the recent re-release of Pretty Serious Santa's Sunburn.  The entire Ghosts of Christmas Future collection is a fine foil finish that's supposed to stamp well, and I'm happy to say that's so far true with this first one.

red scrolls AND rainbows, wheee!
Here, i used the perfect little half-circle scrolls on the corner of Bundle Monster's BMXL-154.  Santa's Sunburn covered the dark grey with no trouble at all, and the plate worked beautifully.

Rating:  4 out of 5 stars for A Dragon is Not a Slave.  Very nice, smooth formula that self-levels wonderfully, shown here in 2 and a half coats (some lighter patches needed a touchup but not a full 3rd coat).  And that shimmer, yassss.

Where to buy:  in the US, Cadillacquer can be picked up from Color 4 Nails, and Pretty Serious direct from their US warehouse.



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