Baroness X Maharet

I've seen a lot of her polishes around the internets, and then recently took the plunge to try out Baroness X.  My first one here is Maharet.

indoor, bright CF lighting
Maharet (named for the character in Queen of the Damned, woohoo 80s vampire lovers represent!!) is a rich wine-colored jelly filled with duochromatic microglitters that shift from electric blue to a bright fuchsia berry.  There's a few flakie/shards in the mix, too, but overall they were very subtle on the nail.

indirect, overcast daylight
The jelly base of Maharet is richly pigmented, and needed only 2 coats for the opacity you see here.  I actually liked the color better on the first coat, when it was more brightly vibrant, than the vampy result of the 2nd layer... but that could be because I got 3 different bottles in 3 different shipments that were blue-in-wine (all different finishes, but still!), so I may have been extra critical here.

outdoor, afternoon sunlight
The microglitters are utterly gorgeous, and  easily show through whether they're being aqua-blue or berry at the time.

indirect daylight
angled, bright sunlight
Rating:  a solid 3 of 5 stars.  Decent formula and a pretty sparkle are all a-ok in my book.

Where to buy:  direct from Baroness X.



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