CrowsToes Bifrost

Now that the big inspection is over (we rocked out), it's time for AS NOT PROFESSIONAL AS POSSIBLE happening on these here nails, and my picks from the rest of CrowsToes' 9 Realms collection (after Huginn & Muninn arrived solo earlier) just showed up!

Bifrost, named for the rainbow bridge that connects Asgard & Midgard, is as rainbow-y as its namesake.  It's tons of microglitter packed into a completely clear base.  It's sheer enough to be used as a layering polish, but builds easily to an opaque look without needing undies.

one coat, indoor CF lighting, no clean-up
At one coat, you can see straight through this - it's only a moderate peppering of itty bitty glittery bits, and the base is totally clear - if you wanted to try this over any other color, it wouldn't change the base shade.  I did a swatch over black, and I don't think it's better, just a different look.

The rest of the pics are all 2 coats, which was enough to look opaque IRL, though the macro pics show gaps between the glitter particles.  The colorful blingy flash kicked out by this stuff visually fills all those gaps to the eye.  At arm's length, Bifrost is pewter-silvery with a whole lot of sparkle:

outdoor, full sunlight
Closer up, the predominant colors are gold and magenta, but there's definitely blue and red in there too.  It reminds me of rainbow sprinkles on cupcakes - totally a fun little party on your fingers.

indirect sunlight
Some of the glitter particles are holographic, kicking off even more rainbows in the sun.

blurry to show the holos, of course
And though it dries to a lightly sandy texture, one thick coat of a good topcoat is all that's necessary for glossy coverage.

indoor office fluorescents
Rating:  4 out of 5 stars.  I love this stuff.  Flashy and fun, and with interesting layering potential.  This kind of microglitter works really well for gradients or fading french-tip styles, and would compliment as wide a range of colors as what's in the mix here.  Bonus:  this was also experiment part 5 with Nail Pattern Boldness Glitter-A-Peel, and IT ACTUALLY WORKED THIS TIME!!  I painted 2 coats of GAP for the base instead of just one, and painted my nails in the morning before heading out to lunch.  Bifrost looked great with no chips all yesterday, survived some cleaning and washing my hair last night, and was good today throughout a whole work day.  I had one chip after making dinner tonight, and my spidey sense told me that a few other nails were ready to lift, so I attempted removal - MUCH better, easier, bigger peels than before.  Revised verdict - GAP works, but you might need to let it dry literally all day before doing anything "stressful" to your manicure, and you're still getting 2 days optimally (not 3 or 4).

Where to buy:  CrowsToes is sold at Llarowe.



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