Jade Vermelho Surreal

When you have an untried pile well larger than intended and all clamoring for your attention, you gotta come up with some way to pick one for the next round; my method is usually to poll the man.  This time, he's adamant about both red and blue.  "I'm going to look like superman or something, " I say.  "Well, it has to stand out," he says.

outdoor, direct sunlight
Well, alright then baby.

Brazillian brand Jade makes marvelous holos, typically of the jelly sort with a bright linear flame.  The first coat always looks a little too sheer to work, but nope, nice opacity with 2 coats and a perfectly manageable formula.  Vermelho Surreal (Surreal Red, if my Portugese is correct) leans just the slightest bit orange-wards of true apple red, and goes on quite easily.

indoor, bright CF lighting
I've stamped over it using the the paisley henna-styled waves from the BP-10 plate, covering only my ring & middle fingers entirely and highlighting the pretty curves at the wave tips with the rest.

window-filtered shady daylight
This is another go with Emily de Molly's Medium Blue stamping polish, which continues to be perfectly opaque and easy to work with.

bright afternoon sunlight
Rating:  Vermelho Surreal is an easy 4 out of 5 stars, with its only flaw being the quicker than I'd like weartime (typical for me and jelly polishes).  The formula and color are fantastic.  And I ended up liking this combo a lot more than I planned, so thanks, color-picking partner of mine.

Where to buy:  this is the sad part - Jade is going out of business.  Snap up any of their holos you find in destashes, or grab the last of them at Color 4 Nails.



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