Femme Fatale Maddening Whispers

After the last 2 FFs were so thoroughly awesome, I've decided it's Femme Fatale week at my house!

bright CF lighitng
Maddening Whispers is one of last year's shimmer + holos, which I'm absolutely kicking myself for not trying until now.  It's a blue-leaning purple that starts to look more like a purple-tinged denim blue in bright light.  If that color shift wasn't enough, it's also a linear holo and also also is packed with a killer jade green shimmer.

indoor, indirect sunlight
Everything this has going on means that it's different but equally interesting in all kinds of lighting.  In lower light, the green over violet gives it a pearly iridescence, like a muted peacock flash.

indirect overcast sunlight
In brighter light, the holo starts to take over from the green shimmer...

direct sunlight
Except at long angles, where I discovered that the shimmer was in fact duochromatic to a vibrant pinky-purple.

direct sunlight
In the brightest direct light, the holo took over completely, and the shimmer was invisible.

direct sunlight
Rating: a knockout 5 out of 5 stars.  FF is killing me.

Where to buy:  FF lists their distributors at the bottom of their page, with my dealer being Color4Nails in the US.



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