OPI Sprung

Another brief vacation post...

It's definitely fall, and I've definitely switched into the season's palette of colors.  I don't like the cold weather, but I so love the embers and dark colors of the cold part of the year!

all pics are outdoor, late afternoon sunlight
Despite being from a spring collection, Sprung is utterly fall in a bottle, with flashes of copper, orange, and gold.  The formula is lovely, opaque in 2 coats + a little touch up here and here (so, 2 and a half-ish).

It's more of a foil finish than the glitter it looks like, so removal was pretty painless.  As a bonus, it has some of the pink and green shimmer that was so fantastic in a few of the Bond collection polishes - hard to catch on camera in this particular lighting, but trust me, it's there.

Rating:  4 out of 5 stars.  This looked great with my skin, wore fantastically, and has a totally painless formula.

Where to buy:  I don't know that this ended up as part of the OPI permanent collection, so some ebay/amazon/etc shopping may be in order.



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