Pahlish Sink in the Silence, with bonus Pyrite

It's getting chilly this year quicker than expected, and I always like the richer colors anyway, so I'm apparently slipping into fall/winter darks.  Sink in the Silence was from last year's winter collection - high time for me to give this one a try!

indoor CF lighting
Sink is a rich chocolate packed with gold microflakes.  As deeply saturated as this color is, it's never surprise black in any lighting.  The formula was great, and it was opaque in 2 coats.  In bright lighting and on closer inspection, the gold isn't there alone, but has some fiery red and bronze along for the ride:

indoor CF lighting
outdoor late afternoon sunlight
Yup, definitely a autumn leaves sort of color, aaaaaah.

indirect, shaded sunlight
All that shimmer is packed in a jelly/crelly base, so this wore a little quicker than I'd like.  Since I wasn't ready for the sparkly chocolate to go away, I topped it with another of the winter collection, Pyrite, leaving accent nails mostly Sink, with gold tips and brush strokes.

indirect, shaded sunlight
In low light, Pyrite over this dark color looked very much like it had solo: as though my nails had actually been gilded.  In brighter light, the darker color underneath peeked through just a bit to darken the overall look.

late afternoon sunlight
Rating:  4 out of 5 stars.  Lovely.

Where to buy:  Pahlish rotates their seasonal stuff out pretty regularly, so this is no longer directly available from them.  Try ebay or blog sales, or this may still be available from Llarowe.



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