Lucky 13 Flame of Udûn

Part 2 of the Lucky 13 stash I recently received as a gift is Flame of Udûn.

indirect lat afternoon sunlight
Flame is a dark charcoal, off-black jelly sprinkled with ember-colored microglitters.  There's bits of red and gold in there, most obvious when the light sparks on them.

indoor CF lighting
The first coat went on a little streaky, as some jellies do, but the second evened things out.  This would probably also work great as one layer over black or very dark grey if you wanted to avoid any secret see-thru patches or don't like hints of VNL.

it's a little sheer... but sparkly!

Rating:  3 out of 5 stars, a very nice goth shadow sort of color.  The fiery bits of glitter keep it from looking flat black in most lighting.

Where to buy:  Lucky 13's web store.



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