Sinful Colors Nova

I've been less than excited about polish lately - I keep wearing a bunch of stuff that I like but don't love.  Feeling dark and winter blue, I pulled out a dark, wintry blue from the untried pile, and BAM.  What have I been thinking skipping out on this beauty for lo these many months?

indoor CF lighting
Nova is a deep sapphire blue crelly with blue, aqua, and not-quite-gold shimmer.  Though it looks near-black in most of these pics, that's all some weird camera issue, this was definitively BLUE in most lighting.

indirect late afternoon sunlight
Nova dries to a glossy shine on its own, and one layer of topcoat has it looking like melted glass.  OOOF, that shimmer!

indoor, bright CF lighting
Cuticle clean-up is exactly as much of a pain as you'd expect with a dark blue, so paint careful, people.  The crelly finish wears better for me than a standard jelly would, with glossier coverage than a crème.

outdoor, afternoon sunlight
Rating:  4 out of 5 stars.  Minimal application issues, and decent wear time.  It's a winner all around, and would be the ultimate base for galaxy nail art.

Where to buy:  Sinful is found at most drugstores, and I typically find the fullest displays at Walgreens or Rite Aid.



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