Lucky 13 Now Wrath, Now Ruin, and A Red Dawn

A lovely friend sent me a surprise box in the mail that contained a trio of Lucky 13 polishes, and the gorgeous Now Wrath, Now Ruin, and A Red Dawn immediately demanded to be next on my fingertips.

indirect overcast sunlight
UUUFFFF.  Wrath & Ruin is a deep, murky teal jelly that dries to a perfectly glassy shine.  There's plenty of silver glitter swimming in this dark water, hexes & squares in a few sizes each, plus a scattering of small blood red hexes.

That gorgeous teal gets a bit darker and murkier with each coat (there's one thin and one thick one here), but goes on surprisingly smoothly for a jelly, and is completely self-leveling by the 2nd one.  I love how the silver ends up looking like different shades of teal as the glitter bits flash up from the depths.  Perfect "squishiness" in one bottle.

indoor CF lighting
In lower lighting (or with less sunlight glinting through), it appears darker, but never approaches almost-black.  A tilt of the fingers has the color stacking up on itself and appearing more opaque, but it's always at least a little translucent.  Maybe you could get it opaque with 4 coats, but why would you?

Super bonus points for this wearing way better than I usually get from jellies - 3 days later, I had only minimal, even edge wear and no chips.

Rating:  5 out of 5 stars, an instant favorite.

Where to buy:  direct from the Lucky 13 web store.



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