Pahlish Jardim Botanico

Pahlish's August in Rio collection from last summer (as per usual, things hang out in the untried pile fo-evah) was a handful of black light-reactive microflakie shimmers.  The deep jade green of Jardim Botanico was my one must-have.

indoor CF lighting for all pics
JB is arguably a neon pigment: rich and vibrant, but with a squirrely formula.  It was thick and dragged a little if I didn't let the first coat dry, and without topcoat, it had a dull, almost rubberized finish:

A bit of topcoat gave a shine that brought out some lovely purple & teal microflakies:

But even my champ topcoat couldn't prevent the chips.  Thick formulas generally always lead to an irregular finish that just doesn't hold up evenly, and this was no exception. Note that the colors here are all a little different - this is definitely a shade of green that's blue enough to be challenging to photograph accurately, hence my orangey fingers in a couple of these shots.

way bluer than IRL
Rating:  2 out of 5 stars.  I love the color but didn't get along well with the application :(

Where to buy:  this was a release only for last summer, so look on blog sales if you want to hunt down this jade.



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