Blue-Eyed Girl Bound to the City Life

Apparently, it's blue week around here, because one just wasn't enough.  This round went darker but still sparkly with Blue-Eyed Girl Bound to the City Life.

indoor, bright CF lighting
Bound to the City Life is a rich, deep blue with just a touch of teal.  The jelly formula builds quickly, opaque enough in 2 coats, but with a matte finish that absolutely needs topcoating.  The ultra tiny holo microglitters were unusually topcoat hungry, drying down to a slightly gritty texture and needing a 2nd layer of topcoat the next morning.

window-filtered overcast daylight
This shade of blue is right up my alley and looks great with my skintone.

outdoor, bright afternoon sunlight
The holo-y twinkles were shy in all but the brightest lighting, otherwise looking like dim stars in a midnight background.  Here's a blurred-out shot to show the overall quantity of rainbows:

indoor, bright CF lighting, blurry for holo (is that like kookoo for cocoa puffs??)
I wanted to stamp with a delicate enough image that the holo could continue to twinkle through, and the stained-glass sort of kaleidoscope from Stampholic ST-1 fit the bill.

indoor, CF lighting
Rating:  3 out of 5 stars.  Unfortunately, this wore like a jelly on me, so yep, major edgewear in a day or so.  Paint carefully, because this clings to your cuticles like dark blues typically do.\

Where to buy:  direct from Blue-Eyed Girl.



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