Enchanted Polish - July 2014
One of the things I cannot resist, is the very idea that I might be missing out on something. So, since I've discovered Enchanted Polish does a monthly series, I order what I can get. Even though I have no idea what's going to come out or even if I will like it. It's a bit of Russian Roulette: Polish style, but I kind of hope that I can just get my money back by selling on Ebay or something. I've started purchasing them in March and I haven't been unhappy yet. So here's the newest batch, starting with the orange: May, June, and July: The orange is May, purple is June, and red is July. The first three are other brands. At first, I was really annoyed about May, the orange polish, because my skin tone usually has a stone cold had for anything with any warmth to it, but this orange has a bit of a burnt orange tone to it, and as I had Digital Nails's "Hook 'em" on the wishlist, I think this will take care of that need. I love the ...