Pahlish Pyrite

Another quick post while I'm still at my professional thingy... only the public part of the meeting is completed, so I don't have to be quite as work-appropriate anymore.  Here's Pahlish's wonderfully flashy Pyrite.

Pyrite is a foil finish that took 2 coats for total opacity.  It looks exactly like it says it does: straight-up natural (fool's) gold color.  One of my committee members said it looked like I'd literally gilded my fingernails, and I completely agreed.

It's sparkly but luxe, and was glass-smooth with just one layer of topcoat (ignore the weird ripple on my middle finger in some of these pics, no idea why the camera did that).  Huge bonus in that the flakie foil finish removes 100x easier than glitter, other than the little microflakes ending up everywhere.

Rating:  4 out of 5 stars.  The naturalness of the gold color would be interesting enough, but the flakie foil effect makes it absolutely look like real gold.  nice.

Where to buy:  directly from Pahlish, or from Llarowe.



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