Dance Legend Spacecraft

The sun's out, the weather's warming up, and clearly it's holo time.

indoor, bright CF lighting
Spacecraft was one of the dozen or so "New Prism" collection linear holos that put Russian brand Dance Legend firmly on the map for polish junkies.  I've tried 3 of this collection, and all have the same dead-perfect formula:  nearly one-coaters, ideal thickness, good quality brush, and POW FIRE!!

direct sunlight
From the rainbow arc in the pic above, you can see how finely milled the holo particle is - this isn't a chunky, sparkly rainbow, but a smoothly prismatic flame.  This also means that in lower light, chunks of holo particle don't dusty-out the charcoal base color much at all.

indirect, shady sunlight.  even in the shade, you get the hint of oil-slick rainbows.
Much like the slightly darker true black Jade Magia, in bright light Spacecraft flashes a bronze-gold center.

Rating:  4 out of 5 stars.  Aqua base isn't necessary (I got no dragging/balding with my standard ridge-filling basecoat here), and topcoating didn't kill any of the sparkle.  Other than some very minor chipping and edgewear by 2-3 days later, this is a fantastic polish.

Where to buy:  DL's list of international stockists.



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