Ludurana Fascinante + Glitter Gal Galaxy Holo Topcoat

A quick post while I'm on a super peaceful mountain vacation, here's Ludurana Fascinante, topped with Glitter Gal's Galaxy Holo Topcoat.

indoor, bright window-filtered sunlight
Fascinante is one of the several versions of an apparently fave duochrome combination (since I keep buying it, every time I see it) that I've previously only used in a comparison post.  Something about the rich, warm wine-to-bronze flash keeps sucking me in.

indoor, shady window-filtered light
Unlike plenty of duochromes, Fascinante is nicely opaque in just 2 coats, meaning no undies necessary to get this incredible shift.  Like other Ludurana polishes, this one is supposed to be scented, but other than an unusual fruity-floral note to the smell of the wet polish, I didn't particularly notice a scent once it was dry and topcoated.

indirect overcast sunlight
I've topped it here with Glitter Gal Galaxy Holo Topcoat (which I used instead of regular TC) - this stuff was on KRAZY sale from Llarowe, and I'm of course a sucker for rainbow sparkles.  The GG is the exact same silvery micro-flakies that add the "bijoux holo" effect to a lot of Picture Polish's sparkly holo colors,

Rating:  4 out of 5 stars.  Wear time was less than perfect, with one pretty good chip by day 2, but the color is swoon-worthy.

Where to buy:  Color4Nails is my usual Ludurana hook-up.



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