Elevation Polish Pic de Subenuix

Suzy has worn this one before and loved it, but as with so many things, I've left Pic de Subenuix languishing in the mountain of untried things in my stash for far too long.

indoor, bright CF lighitng
PdS is a creamy and almost dusty purple that's absolutely packed with aqua shimmer.  The bottle shot above is fairly accurate, in that it almost always had a rich teal flash down the center that often faded out to the purple on the edges.  Kind of like the "lit from within" look that some darker vampy reds and wines have, only with cool tones.

outdoor, shady light
2 coats had this nicely opaque, without VNL, and for all that the shimmer is really prominent, it didn't end up brush-stroke-y at all.

bright direct sunlight
The brighter and more direct the light, the more the purple edges were masked by the flashy shimmer.

Rating:  a totally solid 4 out of 5 stars, with a decent formula and wear time.

Where to buy:  at either Elevation Polish's storefront, or from Llarowe.



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