Femme Fatale Love Potion

Pink is not my bag.  I'm just not a girly kind of girl, and blues and greens are more my speed, but people kept posting utterly devastating pics of Femme Fatale's Love Potion, from this year's Valentine's Day trio, so I just had to, and...

Femme Fatale Love Potion
overcast, indirect daylight
OH.  Oh, my.

Love Potion is a richly saturated dark, hot pink when cold, and almost clear when warm, with a gorgeous light gold microflake shimmer overlay.

Femme Fatale Love Potion
outdoor, indirect sunlight
The formula was utter perfection, of an ideal thickness requiring minimal cleanup, and only 2 coats for the opacity you see here.  It also magically wore like iron, with only very minor edgewear after 4+ days (a total miracle given how obvious any chips/wear would be with this dramatic color at the tips).

Femme Fatale Love Potion
indoor, window-filtered daylight
As it warmed up, I'd get the full range of pinks lightening toward clear, with a bit of the hot pink lingering as a french tip effect.

Femme Fatale Love Potion
outdoor, late afternoon sunlight
And in this angled lighting I noticed that the gold shimmer picked up a green edge.  I'm totally in love, in no small part because this looks to be the same luscious green-edged gold as in Pretty Serious' Mummy Mush.  Just look at this tiiiiiny suggestion of green edges:

Femme Fatale Love Potion
indoor, window-filtered daylight
Warm, this color is much more soft and feminine than the bold hot pink of the cold state, but the gorgeous shimmer means it always stays a little edgy.

Femme Fatale Love Potion
just baaaaaarely pink-tipped.  also, i die.

Femme Fatale Love Potion
indoor, CF lighting
In an interesting twist on things, a couple hours after I painted, I was pulling something out of the oven and ended up with reverse tips!

Femme Fatale Love Potion

Weirdly, my index and middle finger got "stuck" with whited out tips for most of the rest of the day, though they went back to hot pink just fine when touched with an ice cube.  

Rating:  Love Potion is an amazing 5 out of 5 stars, total perfection.

Where to buy:  this was a Valentine's day LE, so snap it up anywhere you see it at one of Femme Fatale's stockists.



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