Femme Fatale Poisoned Apple and comparison

One of my top picks from Femme Fatale's 2015 Snow White collection was the very pretty Art of Witchcraft, the holo be-glittered version of that same collection's Poisoned Apple.  Then some discussions with other FF aficcionados convinced me that Poisoned Apple miiiight actually be a different color altogether, one lighter and more aqua-teal rather than deep slate-teal.

indoor, CF lighting
Spoiler alert:  nope, same color.  In all these swatches, Art of Witchcraft is in 3 coats on my ring finger, with Poisoned Apple in 3 on the rest.  PA is a dark slate-teal with a prominent almost-red magenta shimmer.  The shimmer has a subtle duochrome shift up to green (which is basically only captured in this bottle shot, and which was never visible to me in AoW either time I've worn it), and there's a delicate scattering of silver microglitter in there too.

indirect daylight
The first time I wore AoW, it was pretty but not mind-blowing; adding that 3rd coat this go-round absolutely added one more star for this polish (the depth of this shimmer was enriched noticeably, though it was already opaque at 2).  I added the 3rd coat to PA for the same reason, but it didn't make any impact, and 2 coats is fine.

outdoor, direct sunlight for both

indirect daylight
The red shimmer shifts a little toward bronze-gold in some lighting, which was visible in both polishes, and AP's silver microglitter looks to have a subtle holographic sparkle in some sunny pics, though of course nowhere near as brightly as the small holo glitters in AoW. 

BAM.   i die.
When it's on, that color contrast is pretty amazing.  Do you need both?  Eh, up to you, because yes indeed, the base color & shimmer is identical.  I think the holo glitter gives AoW an added oomph, but the shimmer is more visible in AP, and I genuinely don't think you could end up with the same effect by glitter-topping AP.  And the 2 do make for a nicely complimentary mani.

bright CF lighting - color accurate for the polishes but not so much my skin
Rating:  Art of Witchcraft got updated to 4 stars with this wearing.  Poisoned Apple grabs 3 of 5 from me.

Where to buy:  check out the list of Femme Fatale stockists to grab either or both of these.



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