Her Rose Adagio by a England

Once upon a time I had to go to an office party and pretend to be classy and shit.  Also, once upon a time, I got a new topcoat and basecoat I wanted to try out.  Luckily, these two things coincided and I could have a little fun.

a England polishes do not wear well on me.  They chip and fall apart after a couple of hours, and I think it's just a personal chemistry thing (they wear like iron on Michelle and others I know).   I had just gotten Glisten & Glow's HK Girl top-coat and a new holo-base by Dance Legend and thought I would see if I could lengthen the wear.

I had seen the new Ballerina collection from a England, and while I was underwhelmed initially, I saw some swatches of Her Rose Adagio that led me to believe it would be a good color por moi.

And it was.  And the new stuff worked well.

Her Rose Adagio has a very soft holo to it.  Enough to jazz it up, but not enough to make it blingy or obnoxious, so if you want to be ladylike & shit, it works.  Plus, it does what most pale-pinks do with my skin tone, it silvers out, while still staying cool, which is what I wanted.

And lo'

Fluorescent.  the perfect holo nude for me.

Direct Sun, see that holo?

Indirect Sun/shade, still pretty!

Incandescent - it looks good and champagney here.

Seriously - so perfect for me.
So there you have it - Her Rose Adagio, from a England's Ballerina collection.   The only one I will ever purchase from that collection, but it was well worth it.

And it wore great, which I wholly attribute to HK Girl.



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